Tag Archives: Republican Party

Republicans can moralize when they have morals

This week, we saw New York governor Andrew Cuomo resign after the Attorney General’s report on a number of sexual harassment and assault cases he’d committed. Also in that report were descriptions of what can be charitably called a toxic workplace environment. Most of us didn’t have a high opinion of him in the first place (“asshole” was a common descriptor), but the harassment reports were the final straw for Democrats in the state, and the only question was whether he’d resign or be removed through impeachment. While I’m angry at him for this, what has also infuriated me has been the Republican responses.

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The Real Republican Platform in One Sentence

Over the years of being politically involved, I’ve had a lot of opportunities to read through various party platforms.  Being in my 60’s, I’ve also been able to see what happens when those parties get the opportunity to implement their platforms.  Because of that, I can see that no matter what the Republican Party says are their core principles in their platform, what they actually do when in power is often the opposite.

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What I’ve Learned About Trump Supporters

I haven’t blogged in a few months, mostly because of the crush of work.   That’s eased up, and while my urge to write is still coming back, I do have some things I want to say.  Over the past several months, I’ve had to listen to a lot of people who are rabid Trump supporters, both in casual conversations and in having to work with a few.  As a result, I’ve learned a lot about them, some of it more than disappointing when it comes to people I’ve known for a while.  Like what?

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Take It For Granted? You Lose.

I recently had a series of conversations with one of the younger generation about health insurance.  He and his family have a good insurance plan, which in addition to covering the usual things a young family has, also covers his diabetes medication.  He got it through the insurance exchange, and it’s affordable for him.  The reason I mention this, is that he assumed this was “normal,” and he takes it for granted.  Which I pointed out to him was anything but.

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Conservatives Have A Memory Problem

Over the past year, I’ve been seeing a lot of news stories and opinion columns from various conservative writers complaining about the “obstruction” in Congress by Democrats, long screeds about the inability of the President to get anything done because of the distraction of the special prosecutor’s investigation, and following hearings in the House.  More recently, a number of the same writers touting the “exoneration” of the President by the investigation, and bemoaning the “death of democracy.”   Leaving aside that the report did not exonerate President Trump, which was very clearly stated by the special prosecutor, the other complaints just show me that conservatives have absolutely no memory.

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