Moonday Furbutts and Featherbutts

Those of you who already either know me or know of me know that I am a massive pootie person. We have just moved into an apartment and do not have a pootie yet; however I grew up with both cats & dogs and I love both. I do not discriminate against any animal & love animal photos of all kinds. Please enjoy the following and add any photos that you think the community would like to see. Now, enjoy the photos & have some fun.

I would like to thank the ICHC website for the majority of these photos.

Photobucket Photobucket PhotobucketCoded by BirderWitch

th_3369083602_d799ac09ee_o th_3370761863_9689cc4660_oWord clouds by ccmask


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22 responses to “Moonday Furbutts and Featherbutts

  1. But the weather looks good, for a change. Things are starting to gear up around here, as people start getting ready for tourist season. The problem?

    • Aquagranny911

      Norbrook, your last pic with captions made me lol but you must be having a blue Monday. Better days, Kiddo ♥

      • There was a bumper sticker where I used to live that said “It’s tourist season. Why won’t they tell me the bag limit?” I’m doing ok, really, but dreading the end of the week. I was looking forward to it before looking at the weather report! 🙄

  2. overseasgranny

    This is so much better having the pooties here than that other orange place.
    My swallows returned today. All is right with the world again, except the frost predicted for tomorrow night. Guess I’d better pick the lilacs tomorrow afternoon.

    • I’m rather pleased myself. 😀 I’d be in a better mood if the forecast wasn’t for rain all week. 😦 There’s a flood watch on until Wednesday, they’re predicting up to 3″ of rain. Which ought to help with the remaining snow pack, but will keep the flood threat high. My relatives who stopped by this weekend asked if I was still going out on a certain trail this Friday, and when I said yes, they said “good luck, there’s still a ton of snow on the road up there.” 🙄 The access road to the trail head is a seasonal road, so it never gets plowed. (sigh) The plus side is that the snow might be melted, the down side is that the trail is going to be a muddy mess.

      • overseasgranny

        I know you are experienced, but please take care.

        • It won’t be too bad, I switched the 6 mile round-trip one for the 2 mile one. Mind you, if the access road isn’t open, it’ll be a 4 mile round trip. (sigh) Spring is one of those seasons here that aren’t always greeted with joy. 😆

          • overseasgranny

            A half mile with muck sucking at your boots can feel like 10 miles. Take extra socks for dryness sake please.

    • Aquagranny911

      Lilacs…..I can’t grow them here but remember their sweet scent and all the colors of purple when I lived in colder places. I also remember when they bloomed too early in a warm spell and then came the frosts.

      Sigh, fill your house with the scent and the color. ♥ Overseasgranny.

      • overseasgranny

        Hi Granny, I planted dark purple, light purple and white lilacs when I moved in here and put Serviceberry bushes [Amalanker] between them. Spring is a riot of colors on the boundary, a bee paradise, and later berries for the birds. I’m quite pleased with that part. We will not discuss all the shrubs and plants that were killed off over the last two bitter cold winters.
        I also own 8 huge and very old Horse Chestnut trees just coming into bloom. Bees from miles around will be coming over for those flowers.

        • Aquagranny911

          You live in a much harsher climate than I but I do know your feelings because we did have a colder drier winter than usual and I thought my bougainvilea vines were gone forever this year but there is new growth! My blackberries are thriving and my fig trees have buds! Life is indeed good! ♥

          A terrible old joke:

          “Spring has sprung, the grass has riz, wonder where the flowers is.”

  3. Aquagranny911

    I ♥ you so much Triciawyse for posting a “Pootie Diary” here. Such good news about your apartment & that you will soon be looking for your orange creamsickle kitty. I remember how you wrote you loved that kind of cat. I so rejoice in your good fortune. ♥ ♥ ♥ for posting for us exiles here. Be well, Sweetie.

    • triciawyse

      Thanks, sweetie. I hope that I won’t be exiling myself away from there as well, but one never really knows at this point. I just am thankful that Norbrook is allowing me to come on over here, too.

      • Aquagranny911

        We love you what ever you choose to do. I’m just so happy to read that you have your own apartment now. You have had some tough times. Here’s to much better days, Sweetie ♥

      • pamelabrown

        tricia, I wouldn’t worry about being exiled from “over there”. Too many people love you and welcome the respite from the nastiness. Just think of it as sharing the goodness with a wider audience.

        • With most of us, it’s been a self-imposed exile. I still have an account, I haven’t been banned, but I have zero interest in going over there or participating anymore. I’m just not in the mood to wade through the cesspool to find the one or two things I might consider interesting.

      • Fonsia

        Tricia, the only reason I still go to that place is for the pootie diaries. I don’t know how I get through days without seeing what scaree Andy is doing. Gad, but that’s brilliant stuff.

        SO GLAD to see you have another outlet.

  4. I just got my bid in first. 😉 You’re welcome anywhere, and I know the BPI people would like you to do something. They are a bit …. squirrelly, though.

    • Aquagranny911

      Norbrook, I just had to jump in here to tell about a squirrel who lived in our yard and dug in our compost pile to rescue tea bags and take them to his tree home. We never knew why he did this or what he did with them after but he searched them out every day. This was also the squirrel who could actually hang from his tail and eat from our bird feeders.

      This is real. I think I have pictures somewhere because no one would believe a squirrel could actually do this. For some reason my children named this squirrel Squiggy and they loved watching him.

      Fond memories, thanks.

    • Thanks for proving that my diet is not limited to macadamias. I like bread too, especially toasted, with peanut butter.

      Good night and good nuts,

      The BPI Squirrel

  5. gc

    Ah, Tricia. My fav has to be the little guy with the stuffed friend. I’m not above cuddling with either and/or both 🙂